Curriculum Vitae
(for my extra-long full academic CV as of spring 2023, click here)
Critic in Residence + Adjunct Professor, Integrated Design and Media, NYU Tandon
Current Teaching (AY 2024-2025):
Visual AI Studio: Theory & Practice (graduate course, fall)
Art History & Media Studies Through Museums (undergraduate course, spring)
Past Education and Employment
Postdoctoral Researcher in Art History, Max Weber Stiftung fellowship – (2018-23) Bilderfahrzeuge Project: Aby Warburg And The Future Of Iconology, Warburg Institute, University of London -- Concurrently a 2021-2022 National Book Critics Circle Emerging Critics Fellow
University of Chicago (PhD, Art History, Awarded May 2018)--Advisors: Rebecca Zorach,
Laurence Grove (University of Glasgow), Jas’ Elsner (Universities of Chicago and Oxford), Aden Kumler
Doctoral Research Fellowships and Co-Affiliations: University of Oxford, Bodleian Library Centre For The History of The Book (RSA-Kress-Bodleian Fellow, Michaelmas Term 2016), University of Glasgow: Sir William Stirling Maxwell Fellow, Academic Year 2015-16, University of Oxford, Corpus Christi College: Recognised Student, Postgraduate History of Art, Hilary and Trinity Terms 2015, Academic Year 2016-17. Visiting member 2017- summer 2018.
University of Toronto (MA, Medieval Studies), 2010-2011
Yale University (BA History), 2005-2010 (winter), Advisors: Paul Freedman [history], Christopher Wood [art history]
Under contract for publication in 2028 with Seven Stories Press (World Rights) : These New Fragilities
We The Parasites: on criticism as form, parasitism, theft, reading art and literature to form the self, classicisms, Twombly, and queer desire (February 2023 -- Sublunary Editions, US Rights— November 2023 UEA/Boiler House Press, Beyond Criticism Series, UK Rights)
Literary Writing (Selected Recent Work)
5 March 2025-- For Cultured Magazine: The Critics’ Table-- in brief on Christine Sun Kim’s “All Day All Night” At The Whitney-- a witty triumph reflecting on language, sound, and silence in an anxious world
2 March 2025-- For Spike-- “Watching Swan Lake As the Post-War Order Collapses”-- on the NYCB/Martins Swan Lake, the new kakistocracy, and Cold War legacies; ballet review
20 November 2024-- For Minor Lits, “Goldfinch/Refusal: Mandelstam, Massive, and Form of the Novel in the Age of Atrocity”-- on John Trefry’s MASSIVE, and in general, novel as form in the wake of genocide Gaza, read through the life of Osip Mandelstam and the occasional Fabritius bird.
11 September 2024-- For the Berlin Review “Pure Paint, Dead in the Air” on late Monet, Rilke, and the MiG-29 fighter jet
18 April 2024-- For the Cleveland Review of Books, “A Cut-Crease For Richard Serra” On the death of Richard Serra, Eyeshadow, Writing Feminine Trauma, and COR-TEN Steel
26 Feburary 2024-- For the Poetry Foundation, “But There Are Other Geometries” on being Auden’s “The More Loving One”, cube poems by Rimma Gerlovina, Descartes, failures of reason, dice, fate, and love:
22 February 2024-- For the New York Review of Architecture “Good Bones”, on plastic surgery, always contemporaries, and Ed Ruscha at MoMA between New York and LA.
30 August 2023-- For the Cleveland Review of Books, “American Returns: A Collage”-- on Ansel Adams, Lana Del Rey, digital postphotography, desperation capital, and Americana
(spolighted on LitHub’s roundup, Bookforum’s Paper Trail, and in Vol 1 Brooklyn)
12 April 2023-- For the Verso Blog. “The Mutilated World”-- on AI images and fascist aesthetics and neoclassicisms, cryptostates, urbanisms, and Pasolini
13 September 2022 — For Hyperallergic “Marina Abramović, Mobs, and the Cult of the Hero” – on Marat/Sade, The Hero 25 FPS, internet mobs, and reading useful impurity in Abramović’s body of work
16 June 2022 — for Artforum, Ethereal Presence: NFTs and the Theater Of Risk — on Fried’s Art & Objecthood, theatricality, capital, and grace, using John Donne, Shl0ms’ $CAR and Folia’s Kudzu.
31 January 2021 — for Hyperallegic, Waiting for the ‘Drop’: Crypto-Art and Speed, a theoretical-historical piece defining crypto-art as catatachtics
13 December 2021– for Softpunk Magagine, The Built Environment Makes Me Horny— On Bachelard, The Internet Space, And Ruin
8 September 2021– For the LARB’s Avidly, Twenty-Five Thoughts On The Method Wars, a bloodbath of the current state of criticism as parafictional numbered essay
July 2021– Give Me Difficulty-– a review/critique of the British Museum’s Nero exhibition with a focus on historiography and the ‘new classics’ of postcolonial theory and praxis for Review31.
Late June 2021. For BOMB Magazine: ‘Duvet Theories‘; an experimental piece on softness, bedding, certainty, Fra Angelico, and Caravaggio. Issue 156 (in print late June, online later).
2 June 2021– Old Cages, New Bodies, New Scrutiny— a review of Paul B. Preciado’s Can The Monster Speak? and attendant issues in queer theory, for Review31.
10 March 2021. Intimacy At the End of the World. For Review 31. A review of the Anselm Kiefer’s Field of the Cloth of Gold show at the Gagosian Le Bourget.
17 November 2020. Lend Me Your Geometries for Dilettante Army: On Christopher Wren, Restoration London, city planning, fires, Riemann curvatures, the persistence of history, Japanese Metabolist architecture, Agnes Martin, grids, and other things that are or are not a torus.
19 September 2020 for the LA Review of Books (LARB): Mordew and The New Leftist Imaginary (on Alex Pheby’s Mordew and the political implications of British spec fic and fantasy in America)
14 February 2020, cover piece in the TLS: “Jack In Black: Reading Our New John Donnes”
For Review31, on Paul B. Preciado’s An Apartment On Uranus: ‘How To Fuck With Your Desires”
For the LARB blog, on reading and tweeting Lucy Ellmann’s Ducks, Newburyport: ‘Ducks, Summer’
For the TLS, longform review-essay on the possibilities of new speculative fiction: ‘Tenderly Entangled’
For the TLS, on Ursula K. LeGuin: ‘Language of the Making
Selected Peer Reviewed Scholarly Publications
“The Nautilus And The Pearl: Accreting The Early Modern English Collection” (Journal of the Northern Renaissance, January 2022)
“Fleshly Wisdoms: Image Practices, Bodies, and the Transmission of Knowledge in a Sixteenth Century Alchemical Miscellany” (December 2017, Word & Image).
"Open Secrets: Alchemical-Hermetic Iconography In The Ripley Scrolls"— Abraxas. Special Issue No 1: Charming Intentions: Papers from the Conference at the University of Cambridge, 3-4 December 2012. Summer 2013.
Book Review: “Peter M. Daly. The Emblem In Early Modern Europe: Contributions To Theory Of The Emblem. (Ashgate 2014)” in Renaissance Quarterly 69.2 [2016].
Language Proficiences
German (including Mittelhochdeutsch), French (reading and some speaking), Latin and Ancient Greek (reading), currently learning modern Japanese for basic speaking/reading and archival work, broad palaeographical training on work in manuscript across languages